The teetering boardgame pile falls over as you approach it. A box labeled Incursion spills its contents: copper and silver and golden figurines, twenty-sided dice with hand-drawn symbols, wooden blocks, colorful metal circles... It looks equally confusing and fun. Inside the box, a note reads "Based on Sea of Stars' Wheels". Huh. You put the contents back in the box, you're a respectful intruder after all, and make a note to ask Santiago about it. 

Below the box, you find a couple of others game. A glossy page of pastel colors reads PUFFs: A TTRPG Adventure! It seems to be some kind of game where you pretend to be a sentient cheese puff and... save the world? This man is either crazy or a genius or perhaps just addicted to cheesy snacks. 

The last game is bound as a handbook and labeled Bad Roommates: The TTRPG. There's an illustration of a sad-looking artist on the cover. You flip through it. A fantasy adventure game of a group of roommates who have to put aside their pettiness to not avoid being evicted by a conniving landlord... You shudder, thinking of your own bad roommates in college and in life. And the times you were the bad roommate. Whoops!

There are a lot of other random pieces, half-started projects, badly drawn illustrations in the pile. You have a feeling that there are more games in the works.