
Writing & Critique Group

for speculative, Fantasy, and Scifi Writers

Basic information

Facilitator Team

Santiago Márquez Ramos
George R.R. Martin’s 2023 Terran Award for Taos Workshop
Therapist, writer, TEDx Speaker
Lynn Wu
Literary Agent Assistant & Rights Manager, Liza Dawson Associates
Inkluded Operations Manager

Workshop Requirements

You don’t need publishing history, or a fancy MFA degree, or any previous workshop experiences.

We only really have three requirements:



A love of writing, reading, and talking about books; especially fantasy, scifi, and speculative fiction. We’ll be reading and talking about these a lot!



An open mind to receive constructive feedback, and a commitment to provide honest, yet kind, constructive feedback for others. This includes mutual respect for your fellow writers.



A commitment to at least 6 months of workshop (a full cycle of critiques). A commitment to create a safe space: There will be zero tolerance for racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of hate.

Application Requirements

1) Application form*
2) 4,000-word writing sample

*Application Form Questions:
(1) Name, pronouns, email, current occupation
(2) Previous writing experience (e.g. workshops, classes, MFA’s, etc)
(3) Publication History (if any)
(4) What are your writing habits and goals?
(5) What kind of books/stories do you prefer to read? What book/stories have you recently enjoyed reading?
(7) 4,000-word writing sample

Frequently Asked Questions

What can this group help me with?

What can it not?! Improve your writing, build a writing community, connect you with professional resources, rip the nerves band-aid of showing other people your work, collaborate on professional resources, work on your world-building, dialogue, characterization, and plotting techniques.

It means there’s no official instructor, just a peer facilitator to coordinate logistics. We, including Santiago, are all peers in this hectic, scary publishing world, trying our best to navigate the confusing waters. Some of us might have publishing history, some of us won’t. But we all have one thing in common: we write because we need to. And we want a community to improve.

What can I submit for the application?

Anything you like! As long as it has fantasy, sci-fi, or speculative fiction elements and is under 4,000 words.

What can I bring to be workshoped?

Anything you like! As long as it has fantasy, sci-fi, or speculative fiction elements and is under 8,000 words. If it’s a novel intro, you’ll include a thorough plot synopsis (this will be helpful to give you feedback on world-building and plot points).

Why is there an application fee for a free workshop?

This is exclusively for Lynn’s professional and objective help in reading applications. Everything else is free. This fee is waived for members of marginalized communities.

How do I critique other people’s work?

By being honest yet kind, and wanting the writer to grow and improve. You’ll prepare a 3-minute verbal critique, including what worked for you and didn’t work for you, and send the writer any notes or line edits you make.

Why is the application so intense if it’s free?

We want to find writers that are committed and want to be part of a community. Reading and providing feedback on another writer’s work is time-consuming work. Out of respect to your other workshop members, if you are being workshopped next, you must submit your manuscript to the group by the deadline, so that everyone is able to read and critique it before the workshop date.

Are you nervous? I’m nervous.

Absolutely. You are submitting your baby, of brain and heart, to be read and critiqued. It’s okay to be nervous! But trust your writing and yourself, and remember: what you submit is only a small instance, a sliver, of everything you’ll ever write. It’s okay if it’s not perfect, and it’s okay

Can I call myself an author at this point?


Have any unanswered questions?

Send me a message before applying!

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